
I Am Not Naughty / أنا لست شقيًّا


I Am Not Naughty / أنا لست شقيًّا

أنا طِفْلٌ، ومِنْ حَقّي أنْ ألْعَب».
لِماذا خاطَبَ هَذا الطِّفْلُ الصَّغيرُ أُمَّه، أباه، إخْوَتَهُ والآخَرينَ بِهَذِهِ العِبارَة؟
وكَيْفَ اسْتَطاعَ أنْ يُقْنِعَهُمْ بِأنَّهُ لَيْسَ شَقِيًّا؟
هَذا ما سَنَعْرِفُهُ في هَذِهِ القِصَّةِ المُمْتِعَة…

“I am a child and it’s my right to play”.
Why did this kid use this phrase with his mother, father, siblings, and other people?
And how was he able to convince them that he is not Naughty?
That’s what we will Know in this exciting story…

Availability: In stock

Categories: , Brand:
Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 28 × 20 cm


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