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Our House is Shaking (Science Series) / (سلسلة العلوم) بيتنا يهتز ّ

Original price was: £3.50.Current price is: £3.00.

Our House is Shaking (Science Series) / (سلسلة العلوم)بيتنا يهتز

بَيْنَما كانَتْ «سِوار» نائِمَةً، فَجْأةً شَعَرَتْ بِاهْتِزازٍ… وكَأنَّ شَخْصًا ضَخْمًا يَمْشي!‬
فَراحَتْ تَقولُ إنَّهُ حَيَوانٌ هَرَبَ مِنْ حَديقَةِ الحَيَوانات، لا بَلْ إنَّهُ نَجْمٌ عِمْلاقٌ!
تُرى ما الَّذي يَحْدُث؟!

While “Siwar” as asleep, she suddenly felt a big shake… It was as though a giant was walking!
She said it was an animal who ran away from the zoo, or even a gigantic star! What exactly is going on?!
This book can be used as an introduction to lessons related to natural disasters namely earthquakes in a form of a story.

Availability: In stock

Weight 0.12 kg
Dimensions 28 × 20 cm


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