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The Journey of the Butterfly (Science Series) / (سلسلة العلوم) رحلة فراشة

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

Original price was: £3.50.Current price is: £3.00.

The Journey Of The Butterfly (Science Series) / (سلسلة العلوم) رحلة فراشة

قِصَّةٌ صَغيرَةٌ تَحْتَوي عَلى مَعْلوماتٍ قَيِّمَةٍ تُفيدُ في عَمَلِيَّةِ التَّقَصّي والبَحْثِ وجَمْعِ المَعْلوماتِ العِلْمِيَّة. يَكْتَشِفُ مِنْ خِلالِها القارِئُ العَلاقَةَ بَيْنَ الدّودَةِ والفَراشَة. اسْتَمْتِعوا بِعالَمٍ جَديدٍ مِنَ المَعْرِفَة…

A small story that contains valuable information that is useful in the process of investigation, research, and gathering scientific information. Through it, the reader discovers the relationship between the worm and the butterfly. Enjoy a new world of knowledge!

Availability: In stock

Weight 0.05 kg
Dimensions 28 × 20 cm

1 review for The Journey of the Butterfly (Science Series) / (سلسلة العلوم) رحلة فراشة

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

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